Protecting Your Trees from Winter Weather:Pruning and Care


Winter can be tough on your trees, with plummeting temperatures, heavy snowfalls, and icy winds posing unique challenges. However, with proper care and pruning, you can help your trees withstand the winter and prepare for a vibrant spring.

1. Tree Selection:

Choose native tree species adapted to your region for better cold-weather resilience and less maintenance.

2. Mulching:

Apply a layer of mulch to insulate soil and tree roots, protecting them from extreme temperature fluctuations and retaining moisture.

3. Hydration:

Water your trees well before the ground freezes to ensure they remain resilient during winter.

4. Pruning for Winter:

Remove dead, damaged, or weak branches before winter to prevent potential hazards.

5. Crown Thinning:

Reduce wind resistance and improve tree health by selectively removing some smaller branches within the tree's crown.

6. Raise the Canopy:

Prune and elevate lower branches to prevent snow accumulation and branch breakage.

7. Winter Storm Preparation:

Protect young trees from sunscald by wrapping their trunks and gently remove snow or ice from branches to prevent damage.


By following these pruning and care techniques, you can help your trees thrive in the face of winter's challenges, ensuring their health and longevity. For more information, contact Merchans 

Landscaping at  or 215-431-5598.
