The Ultimate Guide to Summer Landscaping: Tips and Tricks for a Lush Yard


1. Plan and Design

Creating a breathtaking landscape begins with careful planning and design. Start by assessing your yard’s current condition, considering factors like sunlight exposure, soil type, and existing vegetation. Envision your landscaping goals and sketch out your ideas, incorporating flower beds, hardscaping features, and outdoor seating areas. By considering the site’s characteristics and setting a clear vision, you can achieve a cohesive and visually stunning result.

Incorporate a variety of plant species, including native plants suited to your region, to add texture and color throughout the landscape. Integrate hardscaping elements like pathways and patios to add structure and functionality. Design inviting outdoor living spaces with seating areas and lighting to extend your living space to the outdoors. As you finalize your design, prioritize sustainability by using water-efficient irrigation and environmentally friendly materials. A well-planned and thoughtfully designed landscape will not only enhance the beauty of your outdoor space but also create a harmonious and eco-conscious environment.

2. Lawn Care and Wateri

A. Watering: Proper watering is crucial to keep your lawn hydrated and thriving. To stimulate healthy root growth, water your grass thoroughly and infrequently. Avoid frequent shallow watering, as it can lead to weak root systems and make the grass more susceptible to heat stress. Water your lawn in the early morning or late evening to reduce evaporation and allow the grass blades to dry before nighttime, which helps prevent fungal diseases.

B. Mowing: Regular mowing is necessary to keep your lawn looking neat and well-groomed. Set the blade height on your lawnmower to the right height for your grass type. Generally, it’s best to keep the grass slightly longer during the summer to provide shade for the soil and reduce weed growth. Avoid cutting more than one-third of the grass blade length at a time to avoid stressing the lawn and promote healthier growth.

C. Fertilizing: Fertilizing is essential to provide essential nutrients to your lawn, promoting healthy growth and vibrant green color. Choose a suitable fertilizer formulated for your grass type and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application. Fertilize your lawn in early summer to support its growth during the active growing season. Be careful not to over-fertilize, as it can lead to excessive growth and potential environmental issues.

By following these watering, mowing, and fertilizing practices, you can ensure a well-maintained lawn that remains lush, green, and resilient throughout the summer and beyond. Proper lawn care will not only enhance the beauty of your outdoor space but also contribute to the overall health and longevity of your lawn.

3. Efficient Watering and Irrigation

Efficient watering and irrigation techniques are essential for maintaining a healthy and water-wise landscape. Consider the following practices:

A. Drip Irrigation: Install a drip irrigation system to deliver water directly to the roots of plants. Drip irrigation reduces water wastage by minimizing evaporation and runoff. It provides a slow and steady supply of water, ensuring plants receive the right amount of moisture without overwatering. Drip irrigation is particularly effective for garden beds, vegetable patches, and containers, promoting healthier growth and saving water in the process.

B. Mulching: Apply a layer of organic mulch around plants and garden beds. Mulch acts as a protective barrier, preventing evaporation and reducing the growth of weeds. It helps retain soil moisture, keeping the roots of plants cool and hydrated. As the mulch breaks down, it also enriches the soil with essential nutrients. Using mulch is an excellent way to conserve water, reduce the need for frequent watering, and promote overall plant health.

C. Water Conservation: Practice water conservation by being mindful of how you use water in your landscape. Collect rainwater in barrels during rainy periods and use it to water your plants during drier times. Group plants with similar water needs together, so you can efficiently water them without wasting water on plants with different requirements. Consider adjusting your watering schedule based on weather conditions, watering in the early morning or late evening when temperatures are cooler and evaporation is minimized.

By implementing drip irrigation, mulching, and water conservation practices, you can significantly reduce water usage while ensuring your plants thrive and remain healthy. These efficient watering and irrigation methods contribute to a sustainable and environmentally friendly landscape, benefitting both your garden and the planet.

4. Plant Selection

Plant selection is a critical aspect of creating a thriving and low-maintenance landscape. Consider incorporating the following types of plants into your garden:

A. Native Plants: Opt for native plants that are indigenous to your region. Native plants have evolved to thrive in the local climate and soil conditions, making them well-suited for your area. They are more resistant to pests and diseases, requiring less maintenance and pesticide use. Additionally, native plants play a crucial role in supporting local ecosystems by providing food and shelter for native wildlife, such as butterflies and birds.

B. Perennials: Include perennial plants in your garden to enjoy long-lasting beauty year after year. Unlike annuals that need to be replanted each year, perennials come back season after season, saving you time and effort. They establish strong root systems over time, making them more resilient to environmental stressors, such as drought or extreme temperatures. Perennials offer a wide range of colors, textures, and sizes, allowing you to create diverse and visually appealing flower beds.

C. Drought-Tolerant Species: Incorporate drought-tolerant plants into your landscape to reduce water consumption and ensure your garden thrives during dry periods. These plants are adapted to survive with minimal watering, making them ideal for regions prone to drought or water restrictions. Drought-tolerant species come in various forms, from colorful flowering plants to attractive succulents and ornamental grasses, offering plenty of options for a water-wise and visually stunning garden.

Carefully selecting native plants, perennials, and drought-tolerant species, you can create a sustainable and beautiful garden that requires less water and maintenance while providing year-round interest and support to the local ecosystem.

5. Weed and Pest Control

Weed and pest control are essential for maintaining a healthy and flourishing landscape. To manage weeds effectively, consider using mulching as it suppresses weed growth while retaining soil moisture. Regularly inspect your garden and hand-pull weeds as soon as you spot them to prevent their spread. For more extensive or persistent weed infestations, selective herbicides can be used with caution, following the manufacturer’s instructions. However, always prioritize environmentally friendly practices and avoid overusing herbicides to protect beneficial insects and the ecosystem.

In pest control, Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a comprehensive approach that involves identifying pests, understanding their life cycles, and using a combination of strategies to manage them. Utilize natural predators, introduce beneficial insects, and use traps to reduce pest populations. Apply pesticides only when necessary and in a targeted manner to minimize their impact on beneficial insects and the environment. Ultimately, maintaining the overall health of your plants through proper care, watering, and fertilization can significantly reduce pest susceptibility. By adopting these weed and pest control practices, you can create a vibrant and sustainable landscape while safeguarding the well-being of your plants and the ecosystem.

6. Incorporate Color and Texture

To create a visually captivating landscape, incorporating color and texture is essential. Select a diverse range of plants with varying colors and textures to add depth and interest to your outdoor space. Choose flowering plants with vibrant blooms that provide splashes of color throughout the seasons. Combine different leaf shapes, sizes, and colors to create visual contrast and dimension. Consider plants with unique foliage, such as those with variegated leaves or interesting textures, to further enhance the appeal of your landscape. Plan your garden to have a year-round interest by selecting plants that bloom or display colorful foliage at different times of the year, ensuring a continuous display of beauty. Additionally, incorporate hardscaping elements like decorative stones, gravel paths, and wooden structures to add texture and contrast to the overall design. Group plants with similar colors or contrasting textures together to create visually appealing compositions and utilize container gardening with colorful flowers or foliage to add versatility to your landscape. By combining thoughtful plant selection, seasonal interest, hardscaping, grouping, and container gardening, you can create a captivating and dynamic landscape that reflects your style and delights the senses throughout the year.

7. Maintain Proper Mulching

Maintaining proper mulching is essential for a thriving and healthy garden. To ensure effective mulching, apply a layer of mulch to a depth of 2 to 4 inches, providing adequate coverage for the soil. Use organic mulches such as wood chips, straw, leaves, or compost, as they break down over time and enrich the soil with nutrients. Extend the mulch layer to cover the entire root zone of plants and around garden beds, ensuring proper protection and nourishment. Regularly inspect and replenish the mulch to maintain the desired thickness and benefits. Mulching helps suppress weed growth by blocking sunlight and preventing weed seeds from germinating, but it’s essential to remove existing weeds before applying mulch. Proper mulching also helps retain soil moisture, reducing the need for frequent watering. During dry periods, ensure water can penetrate the mulch layer, allowing it to reach the soil and sustain your plants. By following these mulching practices, you can create a more sustainable and low-maintenance garden, supporting the health and beauty of your landscape.

8. Create Outdoor Living Spaces

Creating outdoor living areas in your backyard may convert it into a beautiful and practical extension of your house. Start by defining the purpose of each area, whether it’s for dining, lounging, or entertaining. Choose comfortable and durable outdoor furniture that complements the intended use of each space, and consider weather-resistant materials for longevity. Providing ample shade through umbrellas, pergolas, or awnings ensures comfort during sunny days. Lighting outside not only extends the usage of your facilities into the evening, but it also provides a pleasant and appealing ambiance. Incorporate an outdoor kitchen or grill area if you enjoy cooking and hosting gatherings. Surround your outdoor living spaces with lush greenery to enhance the natural beauty and provide a sense of privacy. Adding water features, like fountains or ponds, creates a soothing ambiance. Consider entertainment elements such as outdoor sound systems, fire pits, or TV areas to make your outdoor spaces more versatile and enjoyable. With careful planning and thoughtful design, you can create enchanting outdoor living spaces that become your haven for relaxation, entertainment, and cherished moments with loved ones.


In this ultimate guide to summer landscaping, you have discovered valuable tips and tricks to create a lush and breathtaking yard. By carefully planning and designing your landscape, choosing the right plants, and implementing efficient watering and mulching practices, you can ensure a thriving and visually stunning garden. Incorporating color and texture, controlling weeds and pests, and creating outdoor living spaces will further enhance the beauty and functionality of your outdoor oasis. With the knowledge and inspiration from this comprehensive guide, you are well-equipped to unleash your creativity and transform your yard into a captivating and inviting space that will be the highlight of the summer for you and your loved ones.

To explore additional details and seek expert guidance for your summer landscaping endeavors, we recommend reaching out to the professionals at Merchans Landscaping. With their expertise and personalized services, they can assist you in creating the lush yard of your dreams. Feel free to contact them at 215–431–5598 to discuss your specific needs and receive tailored advice. Their landscaping specialists team will provide valuable insights and assistance throughout your landscaping journey. Visit their website at to learn more about their services and to get inspired by their previous projects. Take the first step towards transforming your outdoor space into a stunning oasis by connecting with Merchans Landscaping today.
